Dr. Ronald Lubovich surrenders dental license: self-prescribed drugs, practiced while mentally unable to do so

Dr. Ronald Lubovich surrenders dental license: self-prescribed drugs, practiced while mentally unable to do so

Dr. Ronald Lubovich, well-known dentist to both his patients at Nashville Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, and the state disciplinary board, has practiced on his last patient in Tennessee. Lubovich, who has practiced since 1968, will surrender his license after multiple disciplinary board infractions over nearly two decades.

In October of last year, after an already extensive disciplinary history going back decades, Dr. Lubovich entered into a consent order, which placed his license on probation, for providing an excessive amount of sedation to a patient, that was not in the course of routine practice.

Dr Ronald Lubovich

As a part of that probation status, a check of his prescribing history showed he routinely prescribed controlled substances to patients, without checking the controlled substance monitoring database, and even to patients who were already receiving controlled substances from other practitioners and pain clinics.

Under his dental license, he prescribed opioids to a patient without searching the database, where he would have found the patient was already on Suboxone for opiate addiction.

Dr. Lubovich additionally wrote himself prescriptions of Lyrica for the treatment of fibromyalgia, and Zaleplon for the treatment of insomnia. Haldol was also found in the office narcotics supply box, with no explanation for it being there, as it is an anti-psychotic, and not used in dentistry.

The state says that Lubovich “Failed to include a concise description for dental services performed, failed to include concise medical history and justification for controlled substances prescribed. Guilty of illegible and poor documentation of dental records. Failed to perform Controlled Substance Monitoring Database check prior to prescribing controlled substances. Guilty of self-prescribing controlled substances; removing controlled substances from their original bottles making expiration dates unknown; keeping Haldol, an antipsychotic drug in the office with no given explanation; engaging in the practice of dentistry when mentally or physically unable to safely do so.”

Among his history with the disciplinary board:

  • 1999: Unprofessional, dishonorable, or unethical conduct;Inappropriate prescribing practices
  • 2016: Failed to adhere to rules and/or statute: as follows: maintain current certification in ACLS (pediatric dentist may substitute PALS); equipment and drugs on a list available for the treatment of the above listed emergency conditions must be present and readily available for use.
  • 2017: Guilty of providing an excessive amount of sedation to patient that was not in the course of professional practice and allowed an unlicensed individual to practice in his office. Dispensing, prescribing, or otherwise distributing any controlled substance or any other drug not in the course of professional practice, or not in good faith to relive pain and suffering or not to cure an ailment, physical infirmity or disease.

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