Nashville Police Captain calls citizen a ‘Karen’, asks kids to cuss with him; threatens to turn sprinklers on them

Nashville Police Captain calls citizen a ‘Karen’, asks kids to cuss with him; threatens to turn sprinklers on them

Metro Nashville Police Captain Jason Reinbold found himself confronting a citizen on the public bike path behind his home this week. During the interaction, he was confrontational, asking the small children with the female citizen to say profanity with him, called the lady a ‘Karen’, and threatened to turn the sprinklers on them to get them to leave the bike path, after accusing them of being homeless.

First, the video:

Public bike path behind MNPD Captain Jason Reinbold’s Brentwood home at 72 Thurrock Circle

Jason Reinbold is the Captain of the MNPD’s CID, and has a vast staff reporting to him. His annual salary is $111,662.48/year. The Criminal Investigations Division is a part of the Investigative Services Bureau. It is divided into the following sections and units: Homicide Cold Case, Adult Sex Crimes, Auto Theft, Fraud, and Pawn Shop Unit.

Jason Reinbold (MNPD CID Captain)
Jason Reinbold (MNPD CID Captain)

Metro Nashville Police issued the following statement regarding the incident: “We are aware of a cell phone video from earlier in the week that depicts Captain Reinbold in the backyard of his own home, which is not in Davidson County.  That video is under review by the MNPD. “

Section 4.20 of the MNPD Manual covers off-duty behavior. The department defines ‘deportment’ as “the way a person conducts one’s self or the behavior of a person”.

4.20 Deportment and Personal Appearance
In order to ensure the professionalism of the police department, it shall be the policy of the Metropolitan Police Department to establish and maintain the highest standards of conduct and appearance. All employees of the department will conduct themselves in a way that reflects credit upon themselves and the department, both on and off duty.

Section D further clarifies ‘Conduct Unbecoming of an Employee of the Department’:

D. Conduct Unbecoming an Employee of the Department

  1. The conduct of department employees, on- or off-duty, may
    reflect directly or indirectly upon the Department, therefore, a
    police department employee’s ability to perform his or her duties
    is dependent upon the respect and confidence communities have
    for the representatives of the law enforcement agency in
  2. A police officer is the most conspicuous representative of
    government, and to the majority of the people, the officer is a
    symbol of stability and authority upon whom they can rely. An
    officer’s conduct is closely scrutinized, and when the officer’s
    actions are found to be excessive, unwarranted, or unjustified,
    they are criticized far more severely than comparable conduct of
    persons in other walks of life.
  3. Employees shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner
    which does not bring discredit to themselves, the Department, or
    the City. Conduct that is inconsistent with the provisions within
    this policy shall be considered a violation.

MNPD Manual Section G further states that “Employees shall be courteous, civil, and respectful to all persons…”

MNPD Manual Section J (Profanity) concludes “Employees shall not use abusive, indecent or profane language or gestures in the workplace, in the performance of their duties or in the presence of a member of the public”

MNPD Manual Section O (Self-Control) states: “Employees shall not argue unnecessarily with any person or otherwise show a lack of self control.

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Below is a rough transcript of the recording, as presented:

REINBOLD: ..front of your children, I sure did
CITIZEN: you called me a fat-ass
REINBOLD: in front of your children, I sure did
CITIZEN: that’s really nice of you
REINBOLD: I know. Why are you here
CITIZEN: Well, enjoying the day, why are you acting like this?
REINBOLD: why don’t you walk… like a normal..
CITIZEN: we sat down to drink water and have cookies with the kids
REINBOLD: for an hour!
CITIZEN: it has not been an hour
CITIZEN: You know what, if you have a problem, go back in your house
CITIZEN: no, it’s fine, you’re on video right now, and I’m going to post this and blast this all over Facebook.
REINBOLD: I’ll call the police and tell them I’m on my property
CITIZEN: why don’t you tell me what your name is, so I can add it to the video?
REINBOLD: ..add it to the video
CITIZEN: go ahead, tell me..
REINBOLD: tell them that I’m on my property
CITIZEN: and I’m not on your property
REINBOLD: go back to your homeless campsite you’ve got set up
CITIZEN: my homeless campsite? with 3 children on their bikes? what is wrong with you right now? If you agress me, I’m going to put you.. I’m going to call the
REINBOLD: I want you to call the police.. ask them about..
CITIZEN: what are we doing wrong, they’re children
REINBOLD: ask them about social distancing
CITIZEN: I am not anywhere near you.. you just came near me
CITIZEN: You have a problem sir, and I’m sorry that you’re angry… no, I don’t have to go anywhere, in fact we’re going to say here all day.
REINBOLD: all right, then you’ll fucking listen to me swear all fucking day
CITIZEN: good, then sit here and feel good about your self, in front of children, acting like that.
REINBOLD: like what?
CITIZEN: exactly what you’re acting like.
REINBOLD: keep rolling. C’mon Karen, keep rolling. Keep rolling Karen. Karen, keep rolling.
CITIZEN: You know what my name is? It’s I don’t care about you.
CITIZEN: It’s all right, I’ve got it all on video.
REINBOLD: Tell me, what are you going to do with it, Karen?
CITIZEN: I’m going to post it on Facebook, because you just called me a fat ass in front of my kids.
REINBOLD: Look what you’re doing, you’re sitting down.
*Reinbold’s wife approaches to take the family dog from him*
CITIZEN: Look what you’re doing. I hope your wife is going to come in here and talk some sense into you. pack up the stuff kids.
REINBOLD: I’m just cussing on my own property
CITIZEN: good, and you should feel good about it, doing it in front of three children.
REINBOLD: You are the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen
CITIZEN: You know, I don’t need to hear you talk, you’re ignorant.
REINBOLD: Then leave. Children, do you want to stay and listen to me fucking cuss all day?
CHILD: stop saying dirty words
REINBOLD: say it! Say it with me! Oh, Shit!
CHILD: Stop Saying Cuss words
CITIZEN: I’m sorry your life is so miserable. For you to act like this, it’s gotta be pretty horrible
REINBOLD: What are you doing?
CITIZEN: I’m filming you
REINBOLD: What are you putting your kids through?. That’s on you, not me
CITIZEN: Oh, I’m putting my kids through having a nice day… don’t come near me
REINBOLD: ..on my property
CITIZEN: I’ve got coronavirus, maybe you should stay away from me
REINBOLD: Karen, go away
CITIZEN: you are getting closer to me, I was 20 feet away from you, on a bike path
REINBOLD: bike path means ride a bike
CITIZEN: are you on your medication?
REINBOLD: ride your bike, ride your bike. ride your bike. throw the rock, throw the rock.
CITIZEN: kids, how do you feel about him talking to you like that?
*kids chatter*
CITIZEN: do you feel good about yourself talking toa 3-year-old like that?
REINBOLD: I feel as good as you do, parking your… rear end right where you are
CITIZEN: that’s right, right on a public right-of-way
REINBOLD: ..on a bike path right behind someone’s house for the last hour
CITIZEN: keep at it, buddy. you’re the one that looks like an idiot, not me.
REINBOLD: this is insanity. how long are you here today?
CITIZEN: as long as I want to be
REINBOLD: that’s fine, I’ll turn on the sprinklers.
CITIZEN: go ahead, it’s all on video. it’s going on Facebook. I’m going to post where you live, I’m going to post your address…
REINBOLD: are you threatening me? It sounds like a threat. you know where I live.. what?
CITIZEN: Why are you coming near me?
REINBOLD: because you just made a threat to me, and I want to hear what you say
CITIZEN: that’s fine, I’ll tell the cops where you live when you keep addressing me
REINBOLD:I’ll call them.
CITIZEN: good, call them
REINBOLD: (to kids) – I’m calling the police because you won’t leave.

This is a developing story. We will provide more information as it becomes available.

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