Dwayne Herelle hid ex-girlfriend’s dead body in plastic tote in closet after stabbing her

Dwayne Herelle hid ex-girlfriend’s dead body in plastic tote in closet after stabbing her

Police say 28-year-old Dwayne Herelle waited for his girlfriend, 24-year-old Irene Torres, to arrive at her home in Old Hickory early Sunday morning and stabbed her multiple times. He confessed to the crime late Sunday, stating he picked up her lifeless body from the pavement, placed her in the trunk of his car, and drove back to his Bellvue apartment, where he laid her dead body on his bed, wrapped her up in his comforter, and placed her body in a plastic container in his closet.

Homicide Unit detectives Sunday evening charged a Bellevue man with criminal homicide for the fatal stabbing of his ex-girlfriend, who was found in a plastic container inside his closet. Dwayne Herelle Jr., 28, is being held without bond for the murder of Irene Torres, 24.


Police say the investigation to this point shows that Herelle met Torres outside her Old Hickory home in the 1:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. timeframe Sunday.  He told detectives they argued and that he stabbed her.  Herelle is alleged to have driven Torres’ body across the county to his Bellevue apartment and put her in the plastic container in the closet.

Later Sunday morning, Torres’ parents checked the security footage outside the Old Hickory residence and saw Herelle taking Torres away.  West Precinct officers went to Herelle’s apartment.  He told them Torres was not there and that he had not seen her since Friday.  Torres’ father went to the apartment and was told by Herelle that Irene was at a downtown hotel.  As the father and Herelle were en route downtown, Herelle admitted to fatally stabbing the victim.

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