Meskin Beshili assaults wife after she buys new vehicle without his knowledge

Meskin Beshili assaults wife after she buys new vehicle without his knowledge

57-year-old Meskin Beshili says his wife, Suad Mustafa, bought a new vehicle without his knowledge. The couple had a verbal argument about the purchase, which escalated when his wife allegedly made a degrading statement about his mother. He says her words upset him, and he “pushed” his wife. During an interview, the victim states Meskin grabbed her by the arms and, pushed her to the couch, then slapped her in the face. Officers documented two injuries on her arm from the assault.

Meskin Beshili (MNPD)
Meskin Beshili (MNPD)

Meskin Beshili of Kern Dr in Nashville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on November 18th, charged with domestic assault with bodily injury. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $1,500.

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