TSU Administration knew about football program’s sex scandal since August & ignored it

TSU Administration knew about football program’s sex scandal since August & ignored it

Both women in Devon Starling’s life have now gone to jail over him. After Monday’s revelation that Tennessee State Football’s Director of Operations, Ariel Escobar, rammed her car into the vehicle of her part-time lover, Football Player Devon Starling, multiple staff have confirmed the school’s administration knew about the relationship since August, when 22-year-old Mai Kanu, who is Starling’s full-time girlfriend and was in the car when Escobar rammed it, was herself arrested. Police say Kanu came to Starling’s apartment on August 24th, aware he had another woman inside.

She stormed through the door and found the school’s Football Ops Director, Ariel Escobar, romantically entwined with Sterling. She repeatedly struck Sterling in the face, leaving him with multiple visible injuries and swelling. Kanu attacked Escobar, too, pulling her hair and punching her in the face. Escobar did not wish to prosecute to avoid being named in the police report. The following week, records show multiple staff members reported the incident to TSU’s Director of Athletics, Dr. Mikki Allen, who dismissed the reports. Staff also reported Escobar had another sexual relationship with a co-worker, a member of the Football program’s Executive Administration team.

Mia Kanu (MNPD)
Mia Kanu (MNPD) – August 2022

Mia Kanu of HWY 70 S in Nashville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on August 24th, charged with domestic assault with bodily injury. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $1,500. The case is pending.

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