Derick Zhang bites Nashville Underground bouncer & spits blood in face of another bouncer — three times!

Derick Zhang bites Nashville Underground bouncer & spits blood in face of another bouncer — three times!

23-year-old Derick Zhang attempted to enter Nashville Underground just before 1 a.m. Sunday, along with his girlfriend, Hae Weon Lee. Due to her extreme level of intoxication, security refused entry to his girlfriend, which angered Zhang. After an initial argument, they walked away, but Zhang quickly returned to shout profanities at the bouncers and demand his girlfriend be allowed to enter. He then attempted to punch the security staff and missed on the first try. Bouncers Montgomery Allen and Ryan Jaggassar then attempted to restrain and detain him. During the tussle, Zhang bit Allen on his right calf and then spit the blood from Allen into the face of Jaggassar three times. Police arrived and took Zhang into custody.

Derick Zhang (MNPD)
Derick Zhang (MNPD)

Derick Zixiao Zhang of Cherokee Road in Nashville, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on August 14th, charged with two counts of assault. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $1,000, and the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office gave him pre-trial release from their facility.

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