Music City Bar staff punch out unruly customer James Riter & drag him outside to wait for police

Music City Bar staff punch out unruly customer James Riter & drag him outside to wait for police

37-year-old James Riter was visiting the Music City Bar & Grill in the early hours of Friday morning when staff say he began harassing customers. As staff attempted to escort him off the property, he swung at staff members in an attempt to hit them. A staff member avoided his punch, and in return, punched Riter in the face and then drug him outside the bar, where police say they found him still “mostly unresponsive” upon their arrival. The bar staff didn’t wish to prosecute for the assault, feeling they had resolved the situation before officers arrived. Nashville Fire Medics began to evaluate Riter when he became belligerent and refused treatment. Metro Nashville Police charged him with public intoxication.

James Riter (MNPD)
James Riter (MNPD)

James M Riter was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on July 22nd, charged with public intoxication.

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