Kathleen Nannie blows 0.225% BAC after fleeing scene of crash in downtown Nashville

Kathleen Nannie blows 0.225% BAC after fleeing scene of crash in downtown Nashville

Police found 20-year-old Kathleen Nannie outside of her vehicle at 1301 Division Street, sitting with security staff after she crashed into another vehicle near 17th and Broadway and fled. She told police she had two drinks with vodka prior to driving. She refused to answer any questions without a lawyer being present but did state she would not pass a breath test and then continued to state “I shouldn’t have been drinking and driving”, according to police. She eventually took a breathalyzer and blew a 0.225% BAC, almost triple the legal limit.

Kathleen Nannie (MNPD)
Kathleen Nannie (MNPD)

Kathlee Nannie was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on March 5th, charged with driving under the influence (DUI), underage consumption of alcohol, failure to give information/render aid, and leaving the scene of an accident. A commissioner set her bond at $9,500. After spending two days in jail, she was given pre-trial release to her 1536 Ford Road address in Joelton.

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