Public Defender Kevin Coker says news coverage of his client violates the Constitution, he’ll have it taken down.

Public Defender Kevin Coker says news coverage of his client violates the Constitution, he’ll have it taken down.

#AUDIO: “There’s an article on Scoop: Nashville about an arrest that happened back in 2020 … by the article being up in would be in violation of his [client’s] constitutional right to a fair trial… I’ll take it up with the judge, and if I need to, get an order to have it taken down”… those are the words spoken by Nashville Public Defender Kevin Coker as he called Scoop: Nashville owner, Jason Steen. A recording of the phone call is included in the story.

Attorney Kevin Coker with the Nashville Public Defenders Office made a phone call to Scoop: Nashville Monday, during which he stated that reporting a news story on his client violated his defendant’s right to a fair trial and he would have a Nashville judge order us to remove the article if we didn’t remove it. Not believing any actual adult with a law degree would say any combination of words in a serious manner, we double-checked with him, and he stood by his stance and said he’d plead his case to a local judge. The administration for the Public Defender’s office did not respond to comments prior to publication.

The article he claims to be able to have a judge order us to remove is below, written by one of our reporters in 2020:

Man charged after strangling his ex-girlfriend over communication issues: Kortney Ball

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