Vandy Nurse breaks husband’s nose after he admits to cheating, lies to police in attempt to flee

Vandy Nurse breaks husband’s nose after he admits to cheating, lies to police in attempt to flee

35-year-old Vanderbilt nurse Ashley Meagan Stack is accused of breaking her husband, Larry Benjamin Stack’s, nose after finding out he was cheating with Monique Pearson. He called police, and after they arrived she casually walked past them, telling them she was someone else, in an attempt to flee the scene without being arrested.

Larry Benjamin Stack says he was sitting on the couch at the 70 Music Square West residence when his wife, Ashley Meagan Stack, who is a registered nurse from Birmingham, AL, who is currently working at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, approached him and punched him square in the nose, causing blood to splatter all over his face, the couch, and floor of the apartment. He says she attacked him after finding out he had slept with another woman, Monique Pearson.

Metro Nashville Police arrived at the location to find him on the ground with an apparent broken nose. He provided police with the driver’s license for both himself and his wife, and Nashville Fire was called due to his injuries. While he was being treated inside the ambulance a woman walked by who police immediately recognized from the photo on the driver’s license provided by the victim of his wife.

Ashley Stack (MNPD)
Ashley Stack (MNPD)

Police stopped the woman and asked her name, and she replied she was “Leslie, and lived in apartment 3302”. Knowing she was lying, police asked her a second time after verifying her license photo against the NCIC database, and she then admitted she was Ashley and lived in apartment 138, where the alleged assault happened.

She told the police she didn’t know what they were talking about, she had been alone inside the apartment all evening. Police escorted her to the apartment where they immediately saw the blood on the floor and couch. She said the victim must have had a nosebleed earlier. Poice took her into custody at that time.

Ashley Meagan Stack was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Sunday, August 1st, at 3:25 a.m. and charged with domestic assault with bodily injury. She is free on a $3,000 bond.

Stack, AshleyGS94906470 MUSIC SQ W
Nashville, TN 37203
Brooke’s Bail Bonding CHICAsl, Dom Bod Inju

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