DUI Ridin’ Dirty: Man tosses beer bottle out window, lies about it, admits it; asks for lawyer, talks anyway — Jamie Levitt

DUI Ridin’ Dirty: Man tosses beer bottle out window, lies about it, admits it; asks for lawyer, talks anyway — Jamie Levitt

Metro Police say 33-year-old Jamie Levitt was driving 83 in a 55 mph zone at 6:52 p.m. on Friday when he suddenly crossed four lanes of traffic while merging from I-440E onto I-40. As an officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop, Levitt reportedly tossed a beer bottle out the window, then denied it, then eventually admitted it. He asked for a lawyer but then continued telling the officer about how his intoxication. He blew a 0.103 BAC.

Jamie Levitt (MNPD)
Jamie Levitt (MNPD)

Officer Groeneweg says Levitt smelled of alcohol and was nervous during the traffic stop. He initially claimed the bottle he tossed out the window was a water bottle, however, he eventually admitted it was a beer. He reportedly performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and continued to volunteer information about his impairment and intoxication, despite asking for a lawyer. He claimed he had ‘two beers’ and blew a .103 BAC on the breathalyzer.

Jamie R. Levitt was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail at 9:46 p.m. on 08/13, charged with driving under the influence (DUI). He is free on pre-trial release and is scheduled to appear in court in September.

Levitt, JamieGS9499518207 SAWYER BROWN RD
Nashville, TN 37221

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