Andrew Delke’s Jailcation: 13 movie rentals, 20 games bought, 55 songs downloaded: $2,973 on his books

Andrew Delke’s Jailcation: 13 movie rentals, 20 games bought, 55 songs downloaded: $2,973 on his books

During week 2 of Andrew Delke’s 3-year incarceration for killing Daniel Hambrick, the former MNPD Officer spent $146 on 20 games to play on his jail-provided tablet, $91 renting 13 movies, and spent $133 downloading music to listen to. He began the week with $2,973 on his books.

#Week2 of our records request covered July 7-12th. During that time, Andrew Delke was provided an inmate tablet, and his inmate account had a balance of $2,973. He had $400 of that in cash on him with he was booked, and the other $2,573 was described as “family monies placed on account”.

Here are the games he downloaded to his tablet during Week 2, totaling $145.99 in purchases for gaming apps such as “Cut the Rope”, “Best Sniper”, and “Sick Beats: Hip Hop Rap”

During Week 2, Delke also rented his first movies to watch on his tablet, paying a total of $91.62 in rental fees for movies including Men in Black, I Am Ali, and The Secret Life of Pets 2:

He also began to fill his tablet with music, purchasing 55 songs for a total of $132.64. Song choices included “Fulsom Prison Blues, Down In A Hole, When The Party’s Over, Xanny, and Doin’ Time:

We’ve split the list between the 3 days he purchased music. Here’s the first day:

Music choices for his second day of downloading:

And the third day of music downloads during this week:

While Delke only officially had 3 in-person visitors during the Week 2 of our records request, family members report that an unofficial in-person visit was allowed to the facility. During the first week of our records request, DCSO willingly provided his movement details (published here) inside the facility, which would have confirmed any extra visitors. However, for this week’s request, they have denied access to those new movement logs which would show the movement to facilitate the visit from the member’s report. Keli Oliver, Administrative Counsel for DCSO responded:

“…I began gathering the documents for the 7/12 request, I became concerned as to whether providing movement history of an inmate could raise security issues and thus trigger the TORA exception cited below.  I then reached out to Metro Legal to evaluate the applicability of that exception to movement history”

via email from Keli Oliver, 07/19/2021

The only 3 external visitors on the official visitation log are categorized as “Attorneys” and are Kristen Berexa, John Brown, and David Raybin

Delke remains in medical housing and has bipolar disorder. During this reporting week, he ordered so much commissary they had to deny some of it being received to his medical cell. Those details and more will be in the full records release of his #Week2 activities posted at in the coming days.

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