Nashville’s drunkest tourist? Maryland man crawls down aisle of airplane… and into handcuffs; “drunk as shit”, he says

Nashville’s drunkest tourist? Maryland man crawls down aisle of airplane… and into handcuffs; “drunk as shit”, he says

Nashville Airport Police eventually took 29-year-old Maryland Mortgage Broker Kyle Nicholas Jessee into custody Thursday after he began his Nashville adventure crawling down the aisle of a jet as it was taxiing to the gate, then trying to force his way off the aircraft. He was given multiple chances to continue without adding jail to his itinerary, however, he stayed true his name, and cemented his spot in history as Nashville’s newest Kyle, who told officers he was “drunk as shit” because his flight had been delayed for hours.

Airport Police report receiving a call from Southwest Airlines at 9:34 p.m. Thursday detailing that a male passenger, identified as Kyle Nicholas Jessee was on a plane arriving at the gate and was unruly, intoxicated, and crawling down the center aisle of the plane. As the airplane was connecting to the gate, Jessee reportedly tried to force his way off the aircraft. Airport Police escorted him from the gate, where he was causing a scene and clearly intoxicated according to multiple officers.

Kyle Jessee (MNPD)
Kyle Jessee (MNPD)

Jessee told officers he was “drunk as shit” because the flight had been delayed for four hours. He was told if he could leave without further incident they would not take him to jail, and began to escort him down the concourse to baggage claim to assist him with his luggage. Not satisfied with the offer to leave without handcuffs, he walked up behind a small child and began touching her backpack, according to officers. He was once again told to “straighten up, or spend the night in jail”.

While at the luggage carousel, he claimed officers were “treating him like an animal”, but also cried out “why won’t you talk to me?” toward officers. He refused to get his own luggage and asked if he would be arrested if he didn’t, and the officers responded “yes”, and Kyle Nicholas Jessee told him to “do it!”. Officer Kimbro obliged, charging him with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. While the officers attempted to cuff him, Kyle resisted and pulled away for about a minute until officers were able to get him under control.

Once outside the airport and while waiting for a patrol unit, Jessee began to scream that his wrist was now broken, and the officers were hurting him. He stopped and dropped to his knees and continued to scream these things to onlookers. Officers had to pick him up several times to continue him walking. While readjusting his cuffs, he had to be taken to the ground in the prone position, as he refused to let officers reapply the cuffs. He sustained some injures from the concrete during this interaction with the officers. Once inside the patrol car, officers say he “bucked around” and had to be placed in a full hobble restraint.

Kyle Nicholas Jessee was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail at 11:44 p.m. on 06/10, charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and resisting arrest. He was freed Friday morning on pre-trial release.

After we teased this story on our social media, Kyle Jessee reached out to let us know we would be receiving a ‘cease & diciest[sic]’ letter from his attorney, if we published his arrest. Kyle, we look forward to receiving that letter. We realize you’re not from here, but today was the day you found out that Nashville devours tourists, and you are but the latest victim of Music City – and you never even left the airport before you found handcuffs, and were given three chances to walk away. That’s impressive.

Jessee, KyleGS9452526022945925 ENGLISH SADDLE DR
Sybasville, MD 21784
Pretrial39-17-305Disorderly Conduct
Jessee, KyleGS9452516022945925 ENGLISH SADDLE DR
Sybasville, MD 21784
Pretrial39-17-310Public Intox.
Jessee, KyleGS9452536022945925 ENGLISH SADDLE DR
Sybasville, MD 21784
Pretrial39-16-602*1Res. Arr.

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