Male soldier charged with sexual battery of woman at Nashville Gay Club: Play Dance Bar

Male soldier charged with sexual battery of woman at Nashville Gay Club: Play Dance Bar

21-year-old Andrew ‘Andy’ Adamczyk is charged with the sexual battery of a female at Play Dance Bar during the foam party this weekend. The victim alleges he grabbed her by the vagina, lifting her up and moving her to another part of the club and sitting her down, then followed her to the restroom where he kissed her without consent.

Metro Nashville Police responded to Play Dance Bar at 1519 Church Street, as venue security already had Andy Adamczyk detained in handcuffs. The victim explained that she was in the foam pit when Adamczyk grabbed her by the vagina and lifted her up, carrying her into another part of the club, all without consent. Once he placed her on the ground, she went to the restroom, at which time he followed her inside. [Editors note: the restrooms at this venue generally have 10-20 people of varying genders in them at any time in varying states of undress and sobriety. His being inside the same restroom as her would not be anything unusual of the cause of any concern].

Andrew 'Andy' Adamczyk (MNPD)
Andrew ‘Andy’ Adamczyk (MNPD)

Once inside the restroom, she says he began giving her kisses on her head and neck, which she also did not consent to. Security at the venue told police they have video of the incident available. Adamczyk says that he was dancing, but never touched the victim.

Andrew ‘Andy’ Adamczyk was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with felony sexual battery without consent. He is free on a $5,000 bond.

Adamczyk, AndrewGS946382980 CHEEKWOOD TRL
Grumpy’s Bail Bonds 39-13-505(a)(2)Sex. Batt.

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