Two 30-somethings wanted a getaway weekend, Nashville gave them more than they could handle

Two 30-somethings wanted a getaway weekend, Nashville gave them more than they could handle

Two thirty-somethings came to Nashville and the city absolutely devoured them. They were not prepared for all the fun the city offered. Shannon Young & Gabrielle began their night barhopping in downtown Nashville, and found themselves ten miles away in a hotel lobby that wasn’t theirs, attempting to sleep on the floor while covered in vomit and urine. From the back of a patrol car, one of them joyfully claimed “I am so excited” as she approached the sally port of the jail, as she continued on her adventure.

It was a Friday night in downtown Nashville, not unlike any other since the pandemic, and two of the revelers were 35-year-old Shannon Young, who sported green hair this particular evening, and 31-year-old Gabrielle Bargas. The pair left their hotel, The Element Hotel on West End, and began their night of bar hopping and partying just as the thousands of others in the city for the night.

At some point, as the bars closed, the pair realized it was time to get back to their hotel, and via some mode of transportation that isn’t specified in court documents, told someone they were staying at ‘The Element Hotel’ – and that person took them to ‘The Element Hotel’… however, it was The Element Nashville Airport, instead of The Element West End – a distinction that matters.

Once at the hotel, over ten miles away from downtown Nashville, the pair didn’t initially realize they had been transported to the incorrect hotel and believed they were still in downtown Nashville. Gabrielle Bargas reportedly reeked of alcohol, was covered in vomit, and had urinated all over herself. Shannon Young was slumped over Gabrielle and appeared mostly passed out as officers encountered her as she continued to vomit. Hotel staff report the pair were not guests as that particular hotel, yet refused to leave. Staff indicated they were too intoxicated for them to provide service to them, and they refused all offers of contacting a rideshare or cab to help them get to their proper hotel. The pair also refused all medical assistance.

Left with no other options, Metro Nashville Police eventually had to take the pair into custody, and book them both on the charge of public intoxication. As Gabrielle Bargas was in the back of the patrol car, sporting handcuffs as her trophy of the evening, she asked to go to West End. Once the jail appeared in her view from the backset, she exclaimed “I am so excited!”. In Nashville, most PI arrests are dismissed the next morning after the person sobers up, unless the prosecutor objects or there are additional charges. The pair was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail just after 5 a.m. on April 30th, and released later that day.

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