Vibrator used to subdue 3 AM bloody burglar who broke through a window & grabbed onto woman’s leg

Vibrator used to subdue 3 AM bloody burglar who broke through a window & grabbed onto woman’s leg

34-year-old Charles Gregory Knalls is charged with aggravated burglary after he broke through the window of a West Nashville home and grabbed the leg of a sleeping female resident. Her screams alerted another person in the home, who used the nearest object he could find, a vibrator, to subdue the burglar and keep him at bay.

Just before 3 a.m. on March 24th, Metro Nashville Police say a disoriented Charles Knalls broke through the bedroom window in the Nations neighborhood of West Nashville. He crawled through the broken window and grabbed the leg of a female that was in the bed, who screamed to alert others in the home. Her roommate’s boyfriend heard the commotion and ran into the room to find the victim’s leg being held by Knalls. He then grabbed the nearest object, a large vibrator, and attempted to subdue the man until police arrived, nearly 15 minutes after the man entered the home.

Charles Knalls (MNPD)
Charles Knalls (MNPD)

Charles Knalls was eventually forced out of the home by the residents, jumped a fence, and landed in a neighbor’s trash can. Police then arrived to find a closed trashcan, from which grunting sounds were emitting. Knalls remained inside the closed trash can until threatened with a taser, at which point he emerged and complied with police commands. He was covered in lacerations and bruises from both the shattered window and attack from the vibrator. He was transported to Vanderbilt, then booked into the Metro Nashville Jail.

Vibrator use to subdue burglar
Vibrator use to subdue burglar

Charles Knalls is charged with aggravated burglary, and remains jailed on a $25,000 bond. He is scheduled to appear in court later this week. It is not believed that he had any intent to harm anyone, and the victims report he was acting irrationally during the encounter, talking about “bombs going off”, and behaving quite erratic. We previously covered Knalls in this story.

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