Woman wigs out, charges into stranger’s home, assaults her, believing her boyfriend was inside

Woman wigs out, charges into stranger’s home, assaults her, believing her boyfriend was inside

Alexis Crisp says she fought back on Sunday morning, as 22-year-old Alexis Sanford barged into her home, pushed her way past witnesses, and assaulted her, believing her boyfriend was in the home. Sanford is charged with felony aggravated burglary.

Metro Nashville Police responded to an incident on Sunday, in which an unknown female barged into a home. The victim, Alexis Crisp, says she was in the back of the home and heard yelling at the front door. The commotion was coming from Alexis Sierra Sanford, 22, who approached the front door upset and screaming, and a male witness from the home stepped outside to see what was happening. Sanford quickly pushed past the witness and ran inside, assaulting Alexis Crisp, screaming that her boyfriend was in this house.

Alexis Sanford (MNPD)
Alexis Sanford (MNPD)

Crisp defended herself against Sandford, who she had never seen before, and the male witness was eventually able to separate the two, at which time police were called. Crisp sustained some minor injuries to her finger and nose. Crisp did not know who Sanford was, according to police.

Alexis Sanford, who wigged out believing her boyfriend was inside, and illegally entered the home, was charged with felony aggravated burglary. She was booked into the Metro Nashville jail, and free three hours later after posting a $5,000 bond.

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