Man charged with assaulting girlfriend when he woke her for oral sex and she refused to perform

Man charged with assaulting girlfriend when he woke her for oral sex and she refused to perform

47-year-old Antonio Chevers Benard is charged with domestic assault after his girlfriend reports he woke her up asking for oral sex, but she declined the performance. She says he became angry, pushed her head away with a single index finger, and after an argument, punched her in the face.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of Antonio Bernard in October of 2020 and was served on him this past Thursday, March 4th. The warrant alleges he woke his girlfriend up on a Tuesday morning, attempting to get her to perform oral sex on him, but she declined. He reportedly became angry and pushed her head back with a single index finger.

Antonio Chevers (MNPD)
Antonio Chevers (MNPD)

Later in the day, while at their storage facility, the couple argued some more, and he eventually punched her in the face. He once again pushed her away with a single index-finger to the head and fled the scene in his car. This incident was witnessed by an employee at the location.

Antonio Bernard was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with domestic assault, and placed on a 12-hour-hold. He then posted a $1,500 bond and is scheduled to appear in court in July.

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