Woman charged after hitting mother in head with fist and pushing her to ground, per report

Woman charged after hitting mother in head with fist and pushing her to ground, per report

56-year-old Varos Battle was charged with domestic assault after her mother reported to officers she had been physically assaulted by her daughter over an argument about smoking in the house.

On December 10th, Metro Nashville Police Officers responded to a domestic assault at an apartment complex located at 315 South 5th Street. According to the affidavit, Gloria Drake and her daughter, Varos Battle, got into an argument over where Varos could smoke in the house.

Varos Wilson (MNPD)
Varos Battle (MNPD)

Her mother reported Varos became upset and hit her on the side of her head with her fist, then pushed Gloria to the ground. When officers arrived on the scene Varos had already fled, and they met with Gloria. Officers noted the bruise on Gloria’s elbow from when she hit the ground. Officers checked the immediate area but were unable to locate Varos.

The affidavit and Varos’ Facebook page has her last name listed as Wilson. The Criminal Court Clerk and bail bond agent have her last name listed as Battle.

On December 11th, Varos Battle was arrested and charged with domestic assault. She is currently jailed in lieu of a $2,500 bond.

Battle, Varos93381315 S 5TH ST
Nashville, TN 37206
Asl, Dom Bod Inju

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