Registered sex offender charged with Kroger burglary

Registered sex offender charged with Kroger burglary

44-year-old William Brake was charged with burglary after Loss Prevention staff at a Kroger he was banned forever from, saw him on camera taking $681 worth of food without paying for it.

On December 10th, Loss Prevention Officer Marvin Morgan claimed to have observed William Brake shoplifting at the Kroger located at 123 Northcreek Boulevard. William had been banned, for life, from the establishment on January 23rd, 2019.

William Brake (MNPD)
William Brake (MNPD)

According to the affidavit, he was seen on camera filling his cart with $681.02 worth of merchandise. He then left the store, passing all points of sale without paying before being caught on the sidewalk outside the store.

William Brake was arrested and charged with burglary. He was released on a $2,000 bond.

Brake, William2201631400 BRICK CHURCH PIKE
Nashville, TN 37207

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