Woman charged after assaulting healthcare provider during check-in

Woman charged after assaulting healthcare provider during check-in

28-year-old Julia Willford was charged with assault on a healthcare provider after she hit a healthcare worker in the head with a binder and threw a thermometer at his face.

On October 23rd, Metro Nashville Police Officers were dispatched to a reported assault at 3441 Dickerson Pike, Skyline Medical Center. When they arrived, they made contact with Judson Harville. Harville told police Julia Willford had assaulted him twice.

Julia Wilford (MNPD)
Julia Willford (MNPD)

Officers noted Willford was calm in the Emergency Room when they arrived. Harville stated she assaulted him while being processed into the hospital and had assaulted staff before in the past. The incident was caught on the security camera, which showed Willford laying down in a gurney surrounded by staff. She then uncrossed her arms and pushed a binder through a small glass opening at the processing station, hitting Harville in the head. Footage shows she later picked up a large thermometer and threw it at Harville’s face. He told police it caused him pain for a short time, but they noted there were no visible injuries. Harville also refused medical assistance from the Nashville Fire Department.

Julia Willford was arrested and charged with assault of a healthcare provider, causing bodily injury. Charges were later dismissed by the prosecution. She has since been freed.

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