Group home resident caught with 90g of weed & firearm after butcher knife attack

Group home resident caught with 90g of weed & firearm after butcher knife attack

21-year-old Justin Webb was charged with aggravated assault, possession of marijuana, and possession of a firearm with intent after he threatened his caretakers and another resident with a butcher knife.

On September 24th, Metro Nashville Police Officers were dispatched to 423 Dover Glen Drive for a person with a knife. When officers arrived they made contact with Garrett Wilson and the caretakers at “There’s no place like home LLC” group home where Justin Webb resides. The home is for individuals with psychological and behavioral disorders. The caretakers advised police Webb takes little to no medications, is high functioning, and even maintains employment at The Home Depot.

Justin Webb (MNPD)
Justin Webb (MNPD)

Although, there was an incident on this day where he became upset due to them having to move apartments. They stated he became irate and confrontational toward the staff and eventually grabbed a butcher knife. He told them they were not touching his stuff or entering his room. Once caretakers exited the apartment to assess the situation Wilson followed shortly after stating Webb had swung the knife at him. Police observed a small cut on Wilson’s right middle finger.

Webb proceeded to exit that location and get into a company van. When police made contact with Webb at the van he told them where to find the knife. There was a backpack that Webb claimed ownership to in the back of the van along with the butcher knife. The main compartment of the backpack was concealed with a lock so police left the bag with Webb’s caretakers. The caretakers later advised officers that another roommate told them Webb owned a gun. The officers requested to search the backpack. The caretakers opened the bag in the presence of police and recovered approximately 90 grams of marijuana, a Kahr K9 9mm handgun, 2 magazines, and 2 boxes of ammunition.

Justin Webb was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, felony possession of marijuana, and dangerous felony possession of a firearm with intent. He is currently jailed in lieu of a $10,000 bond.

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