Woman bites & punches ex-girlfriend when she tries to take her stuff out of their shared abode

Woman bites & punches ex-girlfriend when she tries to take her stuff out of their shared abode

29-year-old Laprasha Stokes was charged with domestic assault after her ex-girlfriend reported her for punching and biting her when she went to retrieve her possessions following a recent breakup.

On September 19th, a report was filed with the Metro Nashville Police Department by Jasmine Delaney concerning her ex-girlfriend, Laprasha Stokes assaulting her.

Laprasha Stokes (MNPD)
Laprasha Stokes (MNPD)

Delany told police that their breakup was recent and she was returning to the residence to pick up her possessions when Stokes attacked her by punching her and biting her left bicep. Pictures were taken of the injuries when Delany showed police after the incident.

Laprasha Stokes was arrested and charged with domestic assault. Her bond was set at $2,000.

Stokes, Laprasha4154861560 ROCKGLADE RUN
Antioch, Tn, TN 37013
Vandalism o/$1000

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