Shots fired during vigil for deceased resident causes multiple injuries

Shots fired during vigil for deceased resident causes multiple injuries

66-year-old Warren Carter was charged with reckless endangerment and three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon when he opened fire during a vigil for a recently deceased resident.

On July 27th, Metro Nashville police officers responded to 60 Lester Avenue, Trevecca Towers Apartments, in regards to a shooting. Witnesses on the scene stated that they were in a common area between the towers conducting a vigil for a recently deceased resident when they heard what they thought to be a gunshot. They further stated they then heard multiple other gunshots and that is when they contacted police.

Warren Carter (MNPD)
Warren Carter (MNPD)

A witness at the scene stated that he noticed flashes that were in sync with the gunshots coming from the middle window on the top floor, later identified as Apartment 1414. A video from a nearby building confirmed his statement. A different video was obtained that showed no one enter or leave said apartment prior to the shooting. The resident of said apartment was determined to be Warren Carter. There were multiple injuries reported at the scene.

On September 2nd, Warren Carter was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment and three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. His bond was set at $85,000.

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