Man destroys another guy’s vehicle for sitting on the porch with the mother of his child

Man destroys another guy’s vehicle for sitting on the porch with the mother of his child

30-year-old Nelson Zavala was charged with aggravated burglary after ramming his vehicle into another, shattering the window of a home, and entering to put his hands around the neck of his child’s mother.

On June 26th, Metro Nashville Police officers arrived at 805 Fall Court in response to a 911 hang-up call. Authorities talked with Catherine Zepeda-Lindo on the scene who told police that she and Nelson Zavala previously dated, have a child together, and do not live together. Lindo told officers that earlier in the night she and a male friend were sitting on the front porch when Zavala came to the home. He expressed his discontent with the fact that Lindo was living with other men, and the two had a short argument that led Zavala to break the front driver’s side window of the male friend’s vehicle. Zavala then got into his car and drove into the front of the friend’s vehicle. He left the home, but only long enough to turn around and ram into the passenger side of the friend’s vehicle.

Zevala Nelson (MNPD)
Nelson Zavala (MNPD)

Police noted damages on the vehicle that aligned with the Lindo’s story. Lindo continued, saying that she went inside and Zavala followed her by punching out the front window of the home and coming inside. Lindo went to her bedroom, and Zavala pushed to door open and put his hands around her neck. Lindo told police that she wasn’t in fear of being strangled, but she was afraid he would hit her because of his past violence and threats he had made before the incident. Lindo said she believed Zavala didn’t hit her because children were present. Zavala left the home after talking with the children.

On September 22nd, Nelson Zavala was arrested and charged with aggravated burglary. His bond was set at $10,000.

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