Fugitive teen found with stolen motorcycle; lies to cops about who he is

Fugitive teen found with stolen motorcycle; lies to cops about who he is

19-year-old Quentin Harris was charged with aggravated burglary, conditions of release violation, theft, possession of marijuana, possession of burglary tools, and criminal impersonation after he was caught with a stolen motorcycle.

On August 11th, Metropolitan Nashville Police Officers (MNPD) were dispatched to Juliet Bury’s residence at 844 Airways Circle in response to a burglary in progress. Quentin Harris had already fled the scene by the time officers arrived. The officers made contact with Juliet who stated while she was inside of her house Quentin was throwing rocks at her window in an attempt to get her attention. Juliet explained that she ignored him and Quentin became upset, pulling and pounding on the front door. The incident escalated quickly and Quentin kicked the door down yelling he was grabbing some of his belongings.

Quentin Harris (MNPD)
Quentin Harris (MNPD)

Juliet immediately called the cops and he fled the scene on foot. Officers were unable to locate Quentin in the surrounding location, but they did discover he had been arrested for aggravated assault the previous night. Quentin’s conditions of release specified he was to stay away from Juliet and her home. It was confirmed with Juliet and a previous report in an MNPD database that Quentin does not and has not ever lived at her residence. He was determined to be the primary aggressor based on the damage done to the residence being consistent with Juliet’s account of the incident.

On September 9th, MNPD Officer Adcock was dispatched to 3104 Clarksville Pike regarding a suspicious vehicle parked on the property. Officers made contact with the complainant who stated there were two other motorcycles that seemed to be suspicious as well. The officer checked the VIN number on one of the motorcycles and it was reported stolen. The complainant advised police that the person that had been riding the motorcycle was staying at the location. The Officer stopped the man that had been described and asked for identification.

He told the officer he did not have one and gave a name, James Anderson, birthdate, January 25th, 1998, and a social security number instead. The officer then detained the man to confirm his identity when he provided his actual name, Quentin Harris, which the officer used to discover he had two active warrants. Quentin was arrested and searched. The police recovered a tool commonly used to punch out keyholes on vehicles and approximately 5.8 grams of marijuana. There was video evidence of Quentin moving the stolen motorcycle around the location.

Quentin Harris was arrested and charged with aggravated burglary, conditions of release violation, theft of a vehicle, possession of marijuana, possession of burglary tools, and criminal impersonation. He is currently jailed in lieu of a $25,000 bond.

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