Woman throws water bottle at boyfriend and takes his work vehicle for a ride

Woman throws water bottle at boyfriend and takes his work vehicle for a ride

34-year-old De Ambre Mckoy was charged with theft of property, theft of a vehicle, and domestic assault after an argument where she took her boyfriend’s wallet and work vehicle.

On August 24th, Charles Thomas was at home when his girlfriend, De Ambre Mckoy, became upset at him after he asked about the status of their relationship. When he was not looking, Mckoy threw a half-empty water bottle and hit him in the face.

De Ambre Mckoy (MNPD)

Mckoy then tried to leave in the car, but Thomas refused to give her the keys. He went upstairs to take a shower, so Mckoy took his wallet and work vehicle without his permission.

De Ambre Mckoy was arrested and charged with theft of property, theft of a vehicle, and domestic assault. Her bond was set at $7,000.

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