Woman threatens to kill ex-friend’s unborn baby over ex-boyfriend

Woman threatens to kill ex-friend’s unborn baby over ex-boyfriend

29-year-old Robin Wynn was charged with harassment, two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and two counts of vandalism after she reportedly had been harassing Kennia Perkins since November of 2019, busted out her rearview mirror, and then hit her in the head with a tire iron.

On March 5th, Metro Nashville Police Officers were dispatched to 2400 Buena Vista Pike for an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. When officers arrived they made contact with Kennia Perkins who stated that she was at the residence visiting her friend Quantez and his mother. She advised that she heard a knock and when she opened the door Robin Wynn was standing there intoxicated. Robin began yelling at Kennia and shouting foul names before swinging a beer bottle at her. Quantez pulled Kennia away from the door, because she is pregnant, then quickly shut the door preventing Robin from coming inside. They then began hearing noise outside as if someone was banging on something. When they looked out the window, Robin was busting the windows on Kennia’s GMC Envoy. By the time officers arrived, Robin had left the scene.

Robin Wynn (MNPD)
Robin Wynn (MNPD)

On April 8th, Kennia Perkins was sitting in her vehicle when Robin Wynn busted the rear window out of the vehicle with a tire iron. When Kennia got out of the vehicle, Robin struck her on the right side of the head with the tire iron. Kennia was treated at the hospital and received a staple in her head due to the injury. Kennia identified Robin as the person who assaulted her via a photo lineup.

Kennia reported that she, Robin, and Quantez were all friends until Robin began assuming that Kennia and Quantez had started a romantic relationship. She stressed that there was no romantic relationship between her and Quantez but that he and Robin used to date and it ended due to domestic history. Kennia further stated that Robin had been harassing her since November of 2019 in a threatening manner.

Kennia had copies of the text messages, voicemails, and instant messages. In these messages and voicemails, Robin stated that she was going to kill Kennia, kill her baby, shoot up her house, etc. Kennia reported that she had asked and told her to stop contacting her and had blocked 6 of Robin’s phone numbers. She advised that every time she would block a number, Robin would contact her with a new one. Kennia was not able to provide an apartment number for Robin but officers found her address and obtained warrants on her behalf.

On August 25th, Robin Wynn was arrested and charged with harassment, two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and two counts of vandalism. She is currently jailed in lieu of a $39,000 bond.

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