Man stalks woman after assault charge; violates order of protection

Man stalks woman after assault charge; violates order of protection

30-year-old Christopher Deberry was charged with an order of protection violation, vandalism, and evading arrest after making contact with a woman who had an active order of protection against him at her home and work.

On August 27th, officers responded to 2307 Zermatt Avenue concerning Christopher Deberry. Ashley Greenhill told officers that Deberry had been arrested on August 18th for domestic assault. She explained how she received a call from Davidson County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) to let her know Deberry had been released on bond. He called Greenhill thirty-three times from 1:44 a.m. to 3:11 a.m. which officers confirmed to be true. At around 3:11 a.m. she looked through her window and saw Deberry move his car which had been parked in front of Greenhill’s apartment.

After moving his vehicle, Deberry grabbed a rock and threw it at the window she was watching through, causing it to shatter. Greenhill called the police, and shortly thereafter Deberry also called 911, saying that there was a female bleeding in front of Greenhill’s apartments which was proven to be untrue. Officers confirmed with the state bond office that Deberry is currently under bond conditions which state that he is prohibited from harassing, annoying, telephoning, contacting, or otherwise communicating with Greenhill. It was also confirmed through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) that there is currently a temporary order of protection against Deberry filed on August 19th.

Christopher Deberry (MNPD)
Christopher Deberry (MNPD)

On the same day at about 6:46 p.m., Goodlettsville Police officers responded to O’Charley’s at 912 Rivergate Parkway regarding a violation of an order of protection. Greenhill told an officer over the phone that Deberry was on his way to O’Charley’s to bring her keys to her. After confirming the order of protection and that Deberry had three outstanding warrants and notations of violent tendencies. While still on the phone with officers Greenhill said he had arrived at O’Charley’s. Around the time she mentioned that he had arrived, the officers observed a vehicle matching the given description, pull behind the restaurant.

The officer turned on the emergency lights in an attempt to stop Deberry, but he quickly fled into the oncoming lanes, traveling westbound in eastbound lanes of Rivergate Parkway. During a short pursuit, Deberry collided with another car and proceeded to attempt to run away on foot, but made it about 40 feet before being taken down. Once Mirandized, he stated that he knew he was running from the police and did so on purpose. Deberry also admitted that he knew about the active order of protection which made it wrong for him to meet with Greenhill but chose to do so anyway. He also said he checked the area around O’Charley’s for police presence before showing up.

Christopher Deberry was arrested and charged with two violations of an order of protection, vandalism, and evading arrest in a motor vehicle. His bond was set at $11,000.

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