Man detained at taser point: 3 people say he assaulted them with a doorstop and screwdriver

Man detained at taser point: 3 people say he assaulted them with a doorstop and screwdriver

26-year-old Alex Cordova was charged with domestic assault and two counts of aggravated assault when he attacked three people during an argument with a metal doorstop and a screwdriver.

On August 6th, Metro Nashville Police responded to a domestic disturbance at 112 Gibson Drive. According to affidavits, the officers were immediately confronted by Alex Cordova calling them names and coming at them aggressively. MNPD was prompted to order him to the ground at taser point, where he complied and was taken into custody. Authorities then spoke with Dora Cordova, who told them she had picked up Alex at a friend’s house and when they arrived home an argument erupted.

Alex Cordova (MNPD)
Alex Cordova (MNPD)

The altercation escalated when Alex began walloping Dora with his fist. Dora’s husband, Gerbin Cordova, noticed what was happening and came out to defend her wielding a metal doorstop. Alex forcefully plucked the doorstop from Gerbin and beat him with it to the point where he needed to be transported to Skyline Medical. Lizbath Reyes also tried to intercede and stated that Alex had attempted to stab her with a screwdriver repeatedly.

Alex Cordova was arrested and charged with domestic assault and two counts of aggravated assault. He is currently jailed in lieu of a $55,000 bond.

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