Ex-girlfriend gets upset and purposely rams her vehicle into retention wall

Ex-girlfriend gets upset and purposely rams her vehicle into retention wall

20-year-old Xavia Williams was charged with domestic assault and vandalism for slashing her ex-girlfriend’s tires and running her car into a retention wall on purpose because she was upset.

On August 6th, at 109 Arbor Creek Boulevard officers spoke to Diamond Meeks and her friend about the defendant, Xavia Williams, slashing her tires. Meeks told police that she was at her friend’s house when Williams came by to pick up her shoes because they used to be in a relationship.

Xavia Williams (MNPD)
Xavia Williams (MNPD)

After Williams grabbed her shoes, Meeks and her friend went to the apartment complex pool until Meeks received several texts and heard loud noises coming from the apartment. They returned to see that Williams had slashed all four of Meeks’ tires. Once confronted, Williams began shoving both of them and returned to her vehicle to purposely ram into a retention wall. There were witnesses the saw the whole incident as well as the slashing of the tires. Williams was questioned by the police and admitted to all of it as well as purposefully running into the wall.

Xavia Williams was arrested and charged with domestic assault and vandalism. Her bond was set at $3,500.

Williams, Xavia5975431716 ROSEBANK AVE
Nashville, TN 37216
Asl, Dom Fear Bod Inj
Williams, Xavia5975431716 ROSEBANK AVE
Nashville, TN 37216
Vandalism $1,000 or less

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