U.S. Department of Homeland Security helps capture suspect with child pornography

U.S. Department of Homeland Security helps capture suspect with child pornography

40-year-old Ramiro Bartolo-Alcantar was charged with sexual exploitation of a minor when Homeland Security Investigations tracked his phone through a social media app called AirG and found lewd photos of children ranging from the ages of 4 to 14.

On February 6th, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security investigations (H.S.I.) received a tip about a chat message on a social media app AirG between two users, one of which “Conejo40” mentioned sexual acts with a minor sibling. Further investigation found that the phone number attached to the profile was (615) 586 – 5792. That number was under a Cricket account belonging to a man named Alberto Bartolo-Alcantar who lives on 507 Cedar Drive. H.S.I. Special Agent Mayo and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officer Davila interviewed Alberto at his house. Alberto stated that the phone was listed to him but his roommate and brother Ramiro Bartolo-Alcantar was the one who uses the phone. They spoke to Ramiro on the phone who said that he was familiar with the AirG application on the phone.

Ramiro Bartolo-Alcantar (MNPD)
Ramiro Bartolo-Alcantar (MNPD)

On February 10th, Ramiro went to the H.S.I. office in Nashville located at 501 Brick Church Pike and was Mirandized and interviewed by Special Agent Mayo and Officer Davila. During the interview he admitted to accessing the “Conejo40” account on AirG up until his account was blocked/suspended. He signed a consent form for Special Agent Mayo to search through his phone as well as get a forensic analysis of the phone. The search found multiple sexual images and videos of minors were recovered from it.

On February 19th, Detective Robert Carrigan of the MNPD Internet Crimes Against Children Unit took over the investigation from Special Agent Mayo after she turned the cell phone over to him. She also provided all the investigatory reports on the case and the completed forensic exam reports to the detective. After reviewing the cell phone forensic reports Detective Carrigan found thirty-two sexual images of minors and nineteen sexual videos of minors.

These photos and videos depicted lewd and lascivious exposure of their breasts, vaginas, and/or buttocks. Many of them involving direct sexual acts being performed against the children such as penile/vaginal sexual penetration, fellatio, and vaginal penetration by fingers and/or objects. The children involved are ages range primarily from what appeared to be 10-14 years old, but there were a few involving 4-8 year old looking males and females.

On June 30th, Ramiro Bartolo-Alcantar was arrested and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor – 51 to 100 items. His bond was set at $25,000.

Alcantar, Ramiro280763unknown
Winnfield, LA 26703
Sex. Exploit.Minor

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