Man threatens act of terrorism: “I’m gonna shoot everyone I can in downtown Nashville…”

Man threatens act of terrorism: “I’m gonna shoot everyone I can in downtown Nashville…”

30-year-old Joshua Jones was charged with an act of terrorism when he called the Emergency Communication Center and Mobile Crisis with threats specific towards their staff, courthouse occupants, the general downtown Nashville population, and others.

On July 14th, a little after 4 am Emergency Communication Center (ECC) was contacted by Joshua Jones on a non-emergency line. During the call, he claimed that he was harassed and beat by “you all” and “you cops.” He continued to say that he had a weapon and he had the chance to use it to kill six patrol vehicles with officers inside but he chose not to. Demanding that he will shoot every man, woman, and child downtown when it reopens, he stated that police will be forced to shoot him down to stop him. One of the officers he called out by name currently working at the MNPD and has dealt with Jones before.

Joshua Jones (MNPD)
Joshua Jones (MNPD)

On the same day a little over four hours later, Jones contacted Mobile Crisis and spoke to Joley Winn. “You guys ruined my life, I’m going to come down there and kill all you guys” were among some of the statements he said to her. Others included, “I have a gun this time, and I really mean what I say” and “I’m going to shoot everyone I can in downtown Nashville when it opens up.”

Before this particular incident, a man by the name of James Randolph, who is a staff member at Mobile Crisis, also stated that he has received multiple calls from Jones. These included threats to the lives of all the employees at Mobile Crisis as well as threats to the Nashville downtown population with an assault rifle. For the last several weeks the staff had noticed an increase in both the number of calls and the severity of the threats including naming particular weapons, targets, and time frames. Specific comments were threats to shoot people at the War Memorial downtown and firing upon the courthouse and its occupants.

Joshua Jones was arrested and charged with an act of terrorism. His bond was set at $200,000.

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