SCOOP FOLLOW UP: The charges were “skewed” and never pointed a gun, as told by Annaleah Figaretti

SCOOP FOLLOW UP: The charges were “skewed” and never pointed a gun, as told by Annaleah Figaretti

After my original report on the assaults between Spaghetti Heiress Annaleah Figaretti and Real World’s Clint Wright, I contacted both parties involved in an attempt to better understand the situation. Annaleah reached out to me and these are her recollections of the events that transpired that night.

Annaleah reached out to me to tell her perspective on the events that led up to the assault as well as the aftermath. At first, she seemed to be shaken up, as anyone would be, but eventually felt comfortable telling me more about the night of May 25th at Mint House at the Reserve in Nashville, Tennessee.

She told me on one aspect that charging her with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon was skewed. Never did she point the weapon at any of the victims involved, she told me, and she only had it in the situation for protection during an assault. The three women that were mentioned in the report and her were cordial when they were visiting the apartment that Annaleah was subleasing to Clint. This was until an incident where Annaleah described one to have upset her with a rude comment.

Clint had mentioned Annaleah was “sexy” to which one of the females said, “she’s really not.” This lead to Annaleah getting into a scuffle with the girl who attacked her and Clint tackling her and holding her down outside of the apartment. Annaleah then did not feel comfortable with them coming back to the room and told this to Clint. He continued to let them over so she told me that her next action was to take their belongings out of the room and neatly stack them outside the door. A picture was taken by Annaleah and sent to Clint telling him they are not to be over at the apartment until he switches it into his name. She told me that she had asked him to do plenty of times before this. She said that if he switched it over to his name then she would obviously be okay with whoever comes and goes.

They responded by putting the items back into the room without Clint changing the name on the room. In a rage, Annaleah went to the room and told them to get out when Clint pushed Annaleah up against the wall and threw her phone when she tried to grab it. Out of instinct, she pushed him back leading to him falling, once he got back up and moved towards her again she produced a pistol still in the holster as a show of force merely to protect herself. She began to move towards the exit of the room, she grabbed her phone when Clint said that he should call the police and she enticed him to do so.

He moved towards her again and she racked the pistol loading a round into the chamber still not pointing it at anyone. Afterward, she ran straight to her room and placed the weapon inside. Police were not called until hours later by Clint, in her opinion, was because she blocked him on everything. So when they arrived at Annaleah’s door they gave the account that they received from Clint and she told them about how he assaulted her during the scuffle of her and the other female, which the report does note that police noticed injuries on her right hand and leg.

She stated the Metro Police Chief spoke to her that night and said that she wasn’t going anywhere because she was the victim, then after they left for ten minutes they came back and placed her under arrest. Once she was released from the jail she felt unsafe returning to the apartment, which was well-founded when she received a phone call from the property manager telling her that Clint was banging on her apartment door and went inside, possibly looking for her. The same apartment company recently told her that she needed to leave due to the drama that she caused by this whole situation.

Apart from also being sick, that she believes, from the jail and forced to seek out a COVID-19 test she feels unsafe to even enter the room to retrieve her belongings as instructed by the company. She is seeking out guidance both legal and personal which she will continue to keep in contact so there will be more information released.

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