Nashville man blows over double legal limit after a night of darts and drinks

Nashville man blows over double legal limit after a night of darts and drinks

21-year-old Jordan Powell was charged with driving under the influence after swerving while driving on Charlotte Pike after coming back from a bar in Robertson County that led to his hazardous driving and arrest near Nashville Christian School.

On May 21st, Officer Groeneweg observed Jordan Powell swerving on Charlotte Pike at 1:45 a.m. After being stopped at Nashville Christian School, Powell “appeared intoxicated and smelled heavily of alcohol,” per the affidavit. Powell confessed to being at a bar in Robertson County, playing darts and drinking for many hours. His intoxication was physically noticeable, having dilated pupils, his eyes also appearing bloodshot.

Jordan Powell (MNPD)
Jordan Powell (MNPD)

Powell agreed to a standardized field sobriety test, showing signs of inebriation throughout. Following his consent to a breath test, his results showed a .197 blood-alcohol concentration after two attempts. The legal limit for a breathalyzer test in Tennessee is .08.

Jordan Powell was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of an intoxicant. He was later freed on pre-trial release.

Powell, Jordan596607319 WESTFIELD DR
Nashville, TN 37221

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