Sister brawl ends with domestic assault

Sister brawl ends with domestic assault

21-year-old Muzi Bihogo and her sister 19-year-old Zabayo Bihogo were both arrested for domestic assault after an argument between the two turned violent.

On February 27th, officers responded to a domestic disturbance. Zabayo Bihogo and witnesses, who are all family members, stated that Zabayo came home and was confronted by Muzi Bihogo for drinking and not bringing enough food back to the house. The sisters were separated for around 20 minutes before Zabayo started another fight with Muzi.

Zabayo pulled Muzi’s hair, pushed her to the ground, and hit her repeatedly. They were separated again and approximately 10 minutes later, Zabayo started another fight and continued to pull Muzi’s hair, she pushed her to the ground, and hit her in the face and body. Both sisters were taken into custody for their assaults and transported to booking.

Muzi Bihogo and Zabayo Bihogo were arrested and charged with Domestic Assault. Muzi’s bond was set at $1,500 and Zabayo’s bond was set at $1,000.

Bihogo, Muzi5957313253 WOODPOINT DR
Nashville, TN 37207
Asl, Dom Bod Inju
Bihogo, Zabayo5939573253 WOODPOINT DR
Nashville, TN 37207
Asl, Dom Bod Inju

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