Metro Police Officer decommissioned after questionable traffic stop caught on video

Metro Police Officer decommissioned after questionable traffic stop caught on video

Metro Nashville Police Officer Barrett Teague was decommissioned Thursday afternoon after a video surfaced of a traffic stop on a black female. The officer claimed her tags to be expired, but they were not. He then appears to assault the woman when she attempts to show him they’re current.

The incident, captured on video below, happened on July 3rd, just before 6 p.m. at a local Z-Mart in Nashville. Officer Barrett Teague (who we’ve covered before) claimed he made the traffic stop due to expired tags, however, they were clearly valid, and the driver knew so. She attempted to get people at the gas station, where the stop occurred, to visually verify for her, and then she attempted to verify on her own. The officer would not allow either to happen and eventually appears to assault her and charge her with ‘resisting arrest’ but no other crime. In his narrative, he claims to have detained her to verify her ‘identification and driving status’.

Metro Nashville police have confirmed they were made aware of the video Thursday, and are “very concerned with what the video shows”. Officer Teague was decommissioned late Thursday (removal of his policing powers/authority) and is currently working a plainclothes desk duty assignment at another precinct. An investigation has been opened with the Office of Professional Accountability. Below is a copy of the narrative the officer provided on the citation for resisting arrest:

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