Police say staff at Tequila Cowboy held down an innocent man while others brutally beat him

Police say staff at Tequila Cowboy held down an innocent man while others brutally beat him

Editors Note: Metro Nashville Police Department reports of this incident all reflect the location as “Jason Aldean’s Bar”, however, the actual incident occurred at Tequila Cowboy (305 vs 307 Broadway). The two venues share a wall and are owned by the same restaurant group, and all security employees wear the same uniform. We have updated the article to reflect ‘Tequila Cowboy’ as the location, despite the location named in MNPD incident reports as Jason Aldean’s Bar.

Metro Police say a patron who was physically sick and committed no crime was unlawfully held against his will by staff at Tequila Cowboy in downtown Nashville. A video shows him held down by multiple staff, while others brutally beat him. They then handcuffed him and ‘escorted’ him down a hallway injuring his face on the wall along the way. 2 people have been charged thus far.

Metro Nashville Police responded to Tequila Cowboy just before 1 a.m. Sunday morning in response to an out of town visitor who was assaulted by staff. According to police reports, Guy Coers was working security at the bar when he approached a man was not intoxicated, but physically sick in a bathroom stall, pounding on the door and telling him he had to leave the establishment. Instead of letting him leave, police say a security video shows another staff member pulling the sick victim back and holding him while Guy Coers punches the victim in the face. The victim says there were three men, working as ‘bouncers’ who ‘jumped him’ in the restroom, choking him to the floor.

Guy Coers (MNPD)
Guy Coers (MNPD Citation Photo)

Following that initial assault, and while the now sick and injured victim was still restrained by force by multiple other staff, police say staff member Trevor Ault knelt down and punched the victim repeatedly in the face, which was recorded on security video. The victim was then placed in handcuffs, rolled over so he was face down to the concrete floor, and beaten more. At some point, the blows to the back of his head forced his head into the floor so hard it broke his nose.

Trevor Ault (MNPD)
Trevor Ault (MNPD)

Police say the handcuffed victim was then escorted down a hallway, during which time his face was pressed and dragged against a corrugated metal wall, causing further injuries. The victim was taken to a back room, where one individual attempted to ‘clean him up’ after he told them he was calling the police. The staff reportedly told him that he would be arrested if he called the police, but Metro Police say the victim did nothing wrong. Metro Police say the victim was unlawfully handcuffed and held against his will, and beaten while cuffed, for over 20 minutes before police arrived. The victim was transported to the hospital for his injuries. I spoke to the victim on Tuesday afternoon, and he was healing from a broken nose, among other injuries.

Trevor Ault, 24, was physically arrested and charged with assault. Guy Coers, 39, was issued a state citation, charged with assault – bodily injury. Ault has an expunged record, evidenced by his OCA number. Coers has no previous history in Davidson County. Tequila Cowboy is owned by TC Restaurant Group, who has a recent 7.5 million lawsuit for another brutal beating at Crazytown, a sister property.

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