Man pours vodka on sleeping girlfriend, strangles her while yelling ‘I know you don’t love me anymore’, per police.

Man pours vodka on sleeping girlfriend, strangles her while yelling ‘I know you don’t love me anymore’, per police.

Metro Police responded to a Donelson home just before 5 a.m. Sunday morning, to find Robert McCullough, III, had awoken his girlfriend by pouring vodka on her body, pulled her from the bed by her ankles, threw her back onto the bed, and strangled her while yelling “I know you don’t love me anymore!”

Police responded to the Ironwood Drive address just before daylight, after the girlfriend (victim) of Robert McCullough flagged down a neighbor after escaping from the home. The victim told police she was sleeping when she awoken to McCullough pouring vodka on top of her body.

Robert McCullough III (MNPD)

She told police once she was awake, McCullough grabbed her by her ankles and puller her off the bed, grabbed her hair, and yelled at her. Per the police report, he then threw her back onto the bed, where he got on top of her, placed both hands on her throat, and began to strangle her while yelling “I know you don’t love me anymore!”. She reports she felt as if she was going to die, and police observed fresh marks on her neck, matching her account of the incident.

At some point after strangling her, McCullough demanded she leave the house, and as she attempted to leave he stated “You’re not leaving with your phone.” She used that opportunity to throw it into the other room and escape past him, running outside to flag down a neighbor.

Police interviewed McCullough, who stated the two got into an argument, and admitted it got physical, but clarifying ” but no punches or anything like that, but i mean it got physical.” He went on to say the two shoved each other, and he did not want her to leave, but refused to elaborate more than that, but he was in possession of the victim’s phone.

40-year-old Robert McCullough, III, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault / strangulation. He is free on a $5,000 bond, after serving the mandated 12-hour domestic violence hold.

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