Woman who kicked MNPD Officer in testicles has now bitten another officer’s finger

Woman who kicked MNPD Officer in testicles has now bitten another officer’s finger

Tanesha Clay, who we covered last year when she kicked an MNPD Officer in the testicles twice, sending him to the hospital, has now assaulted another officer, biting his middle finger last night during an attempt to arrest her, and refusing to let go.

Metro police came into contact with Tanesha Clay late Wednesday night in the area of South 7th Street and Sylvan Street, after her mother had contacted police saying Tanesha was acting erratic when she left the house. The text of the call that the dispatch system relayed to the officer’s in-car computer reminded them Clay has ‘violent tendencies’.

Once she was located, police escorted to an area for medics from the Nashville Fire Department to evaluate her, however she began to actively resist when officers attempted to control her arms and told she was being detained. Officers eventually took 23-year-old Tanesha Clay to the ground and hold her there while waiting on backup to arrive, at which time she began to attempt to bite the officers

Despite additional MNPD units arrival to the scene, officers still struggled to place her hands behind her back so she could be properly cuffed.  According to police reports, she continued to resist, refused to follow commands to stop resisting. Eventually she was restrained, and escorted to a patrol car where she continued to actively resist, and continued to attempt to bite officers that were near her.

Tanesha Clay (MNPD)

As officers were forcibly placing her in the rear of the patrol car she turned her head and latched her jaws onto the middle finger of a Metro Nashville Police Officer, and refused to let go. The officer eventually freed his finger from her mouth, and suffered an open cut on the finger as an injury.

Nashville Fire Department medics advised MNPD they could sedate her so she could be transported. Officers then removed Tanesha Clay from the rear of the patrol car, NFD medics injected her with versed, and she was sedated. Clay was transported to General Hospital for medical evaluation.

Clay was booked into the Metro jail, charged with assault of an officer and resisting arrest. She is held on a $4,000 bond. Last year when Clay was charged with kicking the officer in the testicles, sending him to the hospital, she found not competent to stand trial, and the charges were dismissed. She was released a few weeks later, after being found to be competent again.

We were curious about the policy of sedating individuals for transportation, and reached out to the Nashville Fire Department, who provided us with a copy of the protocol for handing an ‘agitated, uncontrollable patient, or a patient with presumed excited delirium or psychosis’, a copy is below:

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