T.D.O.C. special needs guard found drunk behind wheel, stuck on railroad tracks, blows 0.152 BAC

T.D.O.C. special needs guard found drunk behind wheel, stuck on railroad tracks, blows 0.152 BAC

Shabazz Mallison, 24, was found by Metro Police at 2:21 a.m. Saturday morning, behind the wheel of his running vehicle, off the roadway, and stuck on the railroad tracks near 2nd Ave. North and Gay Street. He would later blow a 0.152 BAC.

When Metro Police arrived, they assisted Mallison out of the running vehicle and ask if he had anything to drink, to which Mallison reportedly responded with “3 beers” around midnight. Officers read him his rights, and he then told officer he had “several” mixed liquor drinks as well as “several” beers, and had the last one less than an hour prior, at one of the several bars he had been drinking at on Broadway.

Shabazz Mallison (MNPD)

Mallison, who is a corrections officer at Lois M De Berry Special Needs Facility, agreed to take filed sobriety tests, of which officers say he did not perform well on (6 of 6 clues on HGN, 7 of 8 clues on walk and turn, 3 of 4 clues on one leg stand). He then performed a breath test at 3:26 a.m. and blew a 0.152 BAC, still nearly twice the legal limit.

Shabazz Mallison (TDOC)

Shabazz Mallison was arrested and charged with DUI 1st, and freed on pre-trial release. He lives in Clarksville, TN.

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