Man charged with assaulting boyfriend for not eating breakfast he cooked for him, victim says

Man charged with assaulting boyfriend for not eating breakfast he cooked for him, victim says

Mandrekus North, 31, was arrested on Thursday morning after Metro Police realized he had violated an active order of protection against him, filed by his boyfriend. The order of protection was granted when his boyfriend told police Mandrekus assaulted him when he didn’t eat the breakfast Mandrekus made for him.

Metro Police were initially called to the residence on January 23rd, when North’s boyfriend told police North assaulted him when hadn’t ate the breakfast cooked for him, and the pair got into an argument. The victim told police when he walked into the apartment he was grabbed by North who scratched his face and left arm. Officers noted matching injuries on their report, describing them as ‘recently sustained’. North told police the entire argument happened over the phone, and he was not even home at the time, so he “didn’t know how the victim sustained the injuries, and that he didn’t cause them.” Due to the injuries present on the victim, North was taken into custody, charged with domestic assault, and an order of protection was granted for the victim.

Mandrekus M. North (MNPD)

The pair initiated another police response on February 1st, when metro responded to a report of an argument inside the apartment. Upon arrival, both parties told police it was just an argument with no threats or violence, and neither party mentioned the existing active OOP, and North was allowed to leave the apartment with his things as a resolution to the call. During a check of both parties after the incident, Metro Police discovered the active ex parte order of protection was active. The victim refused to prosecute, however since police observed North inside the apartment and arrest warrant was issued on February 14th, and served on February 21st.

Mandrekus North is currently out on bond, facing charges of domestic assault and protective order violation. He is scheduled to appear in court in March. Related court documents are below.

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