Grand Jury indicts Hermitage man for uploading images of minor girls: sexual exploitation of a minor

Grand Jury indicts Hermitage man for uploading images of minor girls: sexual exploitation of a minor

Domini Dimare, 25, has been indicted by the Davidson County Grand Jury after he uploaded images of underage girls, age 10-16, to an online chatroom with the name of ‘naughtyy’[sic]. He is free on $10,000 bond, as of Thursday.

The image he uploaded was recognized by the chat service provider, and referred to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who contacted MNPD and Comcast identified the owner of the IP address used. According to a warrant, “that image is of four nude, minor females with their exposed breasts and vaginas facing toward the camera. All four appear to be approximately 10-16 years old. The girl in the center of the photo is leaning back slightly with her pelvis protruding forward so that her exposed vagina is the primary focal point of the image.”

Domini Dimare (MNPD)

The address of the user, provided by Comcast, was in the 400 block of Bonnawood Drive, in Hermitage. A search warrant was granted and executed, and the resident, Domini Dimare was interviewed. Domini admitted to using a tablet to access the internet wi-fi at his residence and visited the chatroom provider where he exchanged the aforementioned sexual image of minors with another user who sent him an image of a young teen girl with see-through clothing. He admitted that at the time of that exchange he had believed both images were illegal sexual images of minors.

The case was presented to the grand jury, and they returned a true bill on the charge. Arraignment is scheduled for February 27th, and he is currently free on $10,000 bond via Grumpy’s Bail Bonds, as of Thursday, to his Hermitage address.

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