Drake Inn Motel drug bust: marijuana, Xanax, Suboxone strips & pills, pain pills, handgun

Drake Inn Motel drug bust: marijuana, Xanax, Suboxone strips & pills, pain pills, handgun

Byron Roshell, 51, told Metro Police he did not know anything about the narcotics or handgun they found in his room at the Drake Inn Motel, which he has occupied for the past 2 years.

The Hermitage Crime Suppression Unit executed the search warrant on January 30th at 420 Murfreesboro Pike.  A search of Roshell’s room resulted in the seizure of:

  • 190 grams marijuana, multiple baggies
  • 38 Xanax Bars
  • 23 Suboxone strips
  • 6 Suboxone pills
  • 26 hydrocodone 10 mg pills
  • 112 hydrocodone 7.5 mg pills
  • .38 special revolver
  • $5,889 in cash
Byron Roshell (MNPD)

Byron Lebron Roshell is charged with multiple gun and drug related charges, and is free on a $38,500 bond.

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