Thomas Miller revealed as ‘John Doe’ in the ‘Jennifer Wackerlin the Lying Cheater’ website lawsuit

Thomas Miller revealed as ‘John Doe’ in the ‘Jennifer Wackerlin the Lying Cheater’ website lawsuit

On October we first reported on a Nashville area woman who was suing  in a ‘John Doe’ lawsuit to find out the identity of the person(s) behind a website bearing her name, that is filled with, what she claims, are false and defamatory statements, about her cheating and lifestyle –

Through the discovery process, a man has now been named as the person behind the controversial website, which is still up as of the time of publication. The case, which is filed under seal in Davidson County, reveals that an amended complaint was filed on January 3rd, naming Wackerlin’s former Caterpillar co-worker Thomas Miller as the John Doe defendant. A restraining order was issued against Miller on the same day, and he was served with process on January 7th.

Thomas Miller (formerly John Doe) is a man that she not only worked with at Caterpillar, but is also from Central Illinois, where she grew up. Below is Thomas Miller’s LinkedIn information, finally putting a face to the name:

The website, entitled “Jennifer (Jen) Wackerlin, the lying cheater” is hosted at a domain name that reflects her own,” and appears to both be hosted & and registered by GoDaddy, since November of 2017.

The site appears to be written as a parody, from the voice of Wackerlin, and contains sections such as ‘the story’, ‘who i really am’, and ‘hobbies and fun’, each of which portray her in a negative light, according to the lawsuit.

Our Previous Story:

We previously reported the lawsuit was seeking pre-litigation discovery, citing potential claims of libel, false light invasion of privacy, and emotional distress. Normally, the statute of limitations for libel in Tennessee is a mere six months, but it appears they are asserting portions of the website were ‘updated’ within the past six months, to attempt to alleviate that limitation. The lawsuit seeks the identity of the person(s) behind the website registration and hosting, for which a credit card number or IP address will likely be available. Swartz v. Does was a similar Tennessee case, in which an anonymous blogger’s identity was required to be unmasked.

A part of the petition, which was filed on Monday, says that Jennifer Wackerlin learned of the website when a supervisor approached her to inform her of the website. Some of the statements included in the lawsuit, taken from the website, which she says are false and defamatory are:

“..user and abuser, all rolled into one”

“I possess a sharp eye for finding men having trouble in their life and exploiting them which i use to get things i want”

“I’ve been known to string guys along for years, while living a totally separate life, with my husband and family”

“aside from cheating on my husband, lying, and attempting to ruin lives, i like to skip out on work as much as possible…”

“one of my favorite things to do is to meet random guys at the bar, and then hookup in public spaces…”

A subpoena has been issued to uncover the domain owner, and once that is returned, the case may proceed.

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