Metro teacher arrested 5 times in 6 months still in classroom teaching

Metro teacher arrested 5 times in 6 months still in classroom teaching

A Metro school teacher is still in the classroom teaching, despite being arrested 5 times on 7 charges in the past 6 months. The charges include 5 separate violations of an order of protection, harassment, and felony aggravated stalking.

Mary Haley Wade, a special education teacher at Hillwood High School in West Nashville was arrested on June 29th of 2018, July 10th, August 13th, September 28th, and most recently on January 5th, while still out on bond from her September arrest. While the previous arrests were misdemeanors, her most recent arrest this week was included a charge of felony aggravated stalking.

A spokesperson for the MNPS district offices would not confirm her status, or if she had reported her multiple arrests to her supervisors, as required by policy, despite us requesting information for multiple days. A phone call to Hillwood High on Tuesday confirmed she was still teaching in the classroom.

Mary Wade (MNPD)

The charges stem from an ongoing divorce, and have gradually increased in severity over the past six months, resulting in a full order of protection being granted against her, and her continuing to break it. According to the granted petition for the order of protection, Mary Wade sent messages to her husband, to which he would not reply, due to an existing no-contact court order between the pair. After several days of getting no response, she sent a message to him that read:

“three weeks is all you have until you die”

In Wade’s arrest warrant for felony aggravated stalking, more details are laid out, including how Wade was calling the victim’s workplace, inquiring if he worked there, and calling again, claiming that the police were on the way to arrest ‘one of their employees’. A subpoena of her phone records confirmed these calls.

The warrant also alleges that Wade also posted private photos of her husband, in various states of undress, to social media in September of 2018. Facebook was served with subpoena which also confirmed this, along with other postings and messages sent by Wade, including to the husband’s current girlfriend. In October, Wade left handwritten notes on the personal vehicle of the victim. In December she posted other harassing and intimidating photos to her Instagram account to upset the victim..

Due to the pattern of the above behaviors, and many others not detailed here, police charged Mary Wade with aggravated stalking. Wade was arrested in June of 2018 for violating an order of protection and harassment. After appearing in court on July 5th, Judge Allegra Walker agreed to retire both charges, if she had no new arrests or citations for 6 months, ending in February of 2019.

Five days after that ruling, on July 10th, Wade was again arrested for violating an order of protection. One month later, she was arrested for yet another violation of an order of protection. In September, Judge Gale Robinson agreed to combine and retire both cases, if she had no new arrests for 12 months.

Eight Days after that ruling, Wade was again arrested for violating an order of protection. There was a preliminary hearing on December 4th, and it has been bound over to the Grand Jury.

Mary Wade was still out on bond for the prior case when she was arrested this Saturday and charged with aggravated stalking from September and a new order of protection violation. She posted a $5,500 bond.


MNPS district office communicated with us for this story, but has not confirmed any details, or even her employment status, despite multiple attempts. 

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