Man arrested after taping nude photos of wife to her apartment door during divorce

Man arrested after taping nude photos of wife to her apartment door during divorce

Manuel Henry, 52, was arrested early Friday morning, on an outstanding warrant charging him with unlawful exposure, after he posted nude photos of his wife on the outside of her apartment door, for everyone in the complex to view. The couple is in the middle of a contested divorce.

Police say that the victim woke up to find two photos taped to the outside of her apartment door. One image is of the victim in bed wearing lingerie with both breasts fully exposed, and the second image is a close-up of the victim’s breasts.

Manuel Henry (MNPD)

At some point after the photos were taped to the door, and before the victim found them, a neighbor taped a piece of paper over them to cover them up. According the victim, Manuel Henry was the only person known to possess these photos or even know they existed.

Manuel Henry is charged with unlawful exposure. He posted a $1,000 cash bond, and was released from custody just after 4 a.m. this morning. He will appear in court on January 8th.

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