Lee Beaman Taped Sex with Prostitutes, Made Wife Watch to ‘Train Her’ on How To Please Him

Lee Beaman Taped Sex with Prostitutes, Made Wife Watch to ‘Train Her’ on How To Please Him

The Lee & Kelley Beaman divorce trial begins on Monday, after a battle that would rival any daytime soap opera. Remember when we broke that Lee was wearing a bodycam in his own house? Per the prenuptial agreement, Kelly is set to receive $4,328,364.00, split between $1 million in immediate cash, and $3.3 million in the form of a lifetime annuity payout. She will also receive an additional $1 million in funds to be used exclusively for the purchase towards a new home, all part of the couple’s prenuptial agreement.

To put those numbers in perspective, Lee Beaman earned $71,916,451.00 in reported taxable income during the marriage, and Kelley was a stay-at-home mother. The money isn’t the surprising thing in this divorce – in a pre-trial brief filed late Thursday, Kelley describes the pornography & sex habits of her husband, Lee Beaman, in great details. Here’s what she asserted in the brief, some details of which Beaman has already admitted to previously in documents and letters to Kelley.

Kelley says that Lee Beaman used sex as a weapon of humiliation and degradation towards her throughout the marriage, and even after he filed for divorce:

“He continued to approach and demand sex, even after he had filed for divorce, and if Mrs. Beaman indicated that she would rather not, he would tell her that she could either have sex with him, or lay there while he masturbated on her, but he was doing it, either way.”

Kelley believes that Lee views her as just another ‘business deal’, where he acquired yet another ‘possession’ with which he could do as he pleased, especially where his own sexual gratification was involved. Once such example came early in their marriage, when she says she first realized that Lee Beaman had an addiction to pornography.

“Mr. Beaman asked Mrs. Beaman to watch videotapes that he had made of himself prior to the marriage, having sex with a prostitute. Mr. Beaman explained to Mrs. Beaman that these videos should be viewed by her as “training films” so that she would know how to satisfy Mr. Beaman.”

Once past the point of “training”, the sexual escapades escalated to adding prostitutes to the couple’s intimacy:

“On more than one occasion during the marriage, Mr. Beaman persuaded Mrs. Beaman to have “three-way” sexual encounters with prostitutes that Mr. Beaman had arranged.”

Mr Beaman admitted to the above arrangement, however he characterized it as all being Mrs. Beaman’s idea. Even with all that going on, Kelley says she didn’t’ realize the full extent of Mr. Beaman’s addiction to pornography until around 2011, when:

“Mr. Beaman’s two daughters discovered Mr. Beaman’s extensive porn addition and advised Mrs. Beaman that they had seen Mr. Beaman viewing porn.”

According to the brief, while looking at the browsing history of Mr. Beaman’s iPad, it was also discovered that he was secretly viewing pornography while sitting in a room with other family members, including the minor child. Kelly’s brief is below, in full. The trial is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 10th, and is currently estimated to last 4 days.

In addition to the above mentioned fund from the prenuptial agreement, she is seeking half of all marital property, half of the value of the Wyoming vacation home, the Tennessee lake home, and the proceeds of the Chickering Road proceeds, 20 hours of private jet time travel, a $75,000 trained protection dog, and $100,000 in Ecogensus stock, along with primary custody of their minor child, with child support of $15,000 per month.

Bonus: Kelley’s lawyer placed quote at the start of the brief, as seen below. If you’ve followed the behind the scenes of this case over the many months, or are familiar with Lee Beaman, you may pick up on the subtle reference in the quote:

Download full brief.

UPDATE: Lee Beaman’s filed a motion to strike his wife’s pre-trial brief on Friday morning. The motion doesn’t deny any portion of the prostitutes / sex-tapes / porn details, only says it’s immaterial, impertinent, and scandalous (and also filed late):

[embeddoc url=”https://news.scoopnashville.com/media/2018/09/watermarked-01617717.pdf” download=”none”]


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