Security Guard Fired, Student Expelled, after Lincoln Tech (NADC) Campus Fight Friday

Security Guard Fired, Student Expelled, after Lincoln Tech (NADC) Campus Fight Friday

On Saturday we  published the video below that showed security guards involved in a fight with students on Friday at Lincoln Tech (formerly NADC – Nashville Auto Diesel College), in East Nashville. Late Sunday afternoon, the campus issued this statement:

On the evening of Friday August 20 an altercation took place between two students at the dormitories on the Lincoln Tech – Nashville campus. Campus security, which is provided by a contracted private security firm, was called onto the scene as the altercation escalated. One of the two students involved confronted one of the security guards which resulted in a physical exchange between the two. After order was restored, the campus initiated an investigation.

As a result, the student found responsible for provoking the situation was dismissed from school. After viewing videos of the occurrence, the security firm terminated the employment of the security guard involved in the incident.

According multiple witnesses, the fight broke out after a student was being moved to a new dorm room, after his former roommate filed a complaint with campus housing officials. The complaint alleged that one roommate was upset with the other, because of having multiple people in their shared room, personal hygiene issues, including not cleaning up after frequent solo sexual pleasures. The roommate also reported that he was often unable to get enough sleep at night due to his roommate, and some items had occasionally come up missing.

Campus officials responding by moving one of the roommates to a new room, and according to witnesses the roommate being moved appeared to be intoxicated at the time this was happening.

The roommate being moved then got into an argument with campus security, and according to multiple witnesses, was the initiator of the physical fight.

This the most recent of many incidents at the Lincoln Tech campus in recent years, including a murder on campus in 2017.

After we began reaching out for this story, some students sent us photos of the campus dorms, and how unsanitary they often are because of roommates. Here are some of the current examples we received:


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