Cayce Homes Catfight: Showdown on South 6th

Cayce Homes Catfight: Showdown on South 6th

At the start of this weekend, officers responded to a fight call in the 500 block of South 6th Street, in Cayce Homes. They would find Tayana Miles and Diamond Jones in an altercation, and Tayana was written a state citation for assault. That should have been the end of it, but then you would have never read about it.

Just before 4 AM Saturday morning, MNPD officers returned to the same residence in Cayce Homes, for a call of a disorderly person – and this time she brought backup. Diamond told police that Faith Thaxton and Tanya Miles arrived outside her apartment, in response to the fight earlier in the evening. Now, Tayana Miles was armed with a taser and pepper spray, outside and verbally arguing with Diamond Jones & her family, while holding the taser in her hand.

Faith Thaxton had accompanied Miles to the victim’s house this time, and was armed with a green box cutter. The box cutter, & taser were collected as evidence. Witnesses say that Thaxton stated “I can’t wait to cut a bitch”.

Tayana Miles, 20, & Faith Thaxton, 20, were both charged with attempted aggravated assault (in addition to Tanya’s previous citation for assault) and booked into the Metro jail, where each remains on $6,500 bonds. The victim, Diamond Jones, was also arrested on an outstanding failure to be booked citation that was driving related. She was later released on pre-trial-release.

Thaxton has 1 previous assault arrest, which was dismissed because the victim refused to cooperate with prosecution. During that arrest, she was witnessed to have attempted to punch her cousin, and when she couldn’t connect with her fists, she picked up child’s car seat, threw it at him, however he blocked it, and it ricocheted back and hit her, instead, causing injury to herself.

Miles has 3 prior arrests for assault, all of which were dismissed because the victim refused to cooperate with the prosecution.  The first of which, the warrant states she “did not want her brother in her room so she snatched him up and threw him into the hallway outside her room. Doing this caused him to hit his left thigh against the corner of the wall leaving a bruise the size of a baseball on top of his thigh. Tayana fled the scene before officers were able to make contact.”

He second dismissed arrest happened when the 5-year-old brother called 911 to report she was fighting with her mother, pushing her, and pulling her hair, after taking her cell phone from her. Her third assault arrest was when she attacked her boyfriend, biting him on the forehead, hitting, and clawing him, leaving him bleeding when officers arrived. She fled the scene before police arrived.

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